Using Org Babel to learn Rubik's cube algorithms

| emacs, cubing, org

A+ has started learning Rubik's cube algorithms for permutation of the last layer (PLL) algorithms for the Rubik's cube. To help her focus on just a few at a time instead of getting distracted by the long list in the Cubeskills PLL PDF, I made a page that listed the algorithms that she was working on so that I could export it with ox-hugo to the mini-site I made for her interests.

She sometimes gets a little confused about clockwise and counter-clockwise, so I used Roofpig to add an animated view of the algorithm that she can step through. I wanted to make it easier for her to follow the algorithm without constantly moving her hands from the cube to the tablet or looking up and down all the time, but I didn't want to recompile the source just yet. I used the roofpig_and_three.min.js file and hacked speech synthesis into it by modifying the object prototype. For example, here's the Org source for adding a Jb perm:

#+begin_export html
<div class="roofpig" data-config="base=PLL|alg=R U R' F' R U R' U' R' F R2 U' R' U'"></div>

and here's what it looks like. Might only look nice on my website, and I added speech synthesis so you may want to mute it if you need to be quiet.

Code for setting up Roofpig with speech synthesis
<!--  -*- mode: web -*- -->
 .roofpig { max-width: 400px; margin-bottom: 80px; }

  function waitToAddSpeech() {
    if (window.cubesSpeakMoves || !window.speechSynthesis) return;
    if (window.CubeAnimation) {
      window.cubesSpeakMoves = true;
      } else {
        setTimeout(setUpCubes, 300);
  function setUpCubes() {
    if (!document.querySelector('script.roofpig')) {
      var script = document.createElement('script');
      script.setAttribute('src', '/blog/2023/02/using-org-babel-to-learn-rubik-s-cube-algorithms/roofpig_and_three.min.js');
  function addSpeechToCubeAnimations() {
   if (!window.CubeAnimation || !window.CubeAnimation['by_id'] || !window.CubeAnimation['by_id'][1]) return;
   var cachedFunc = Object.getPrototypeOf(CubeAnimation['by_id'][1].dom).alg_changed;
   Object.getPrototypeOf(CubeAnimation['by_id'][1].dom).alg_changed = function() {
     if (arguments[4].past.length > lastNoted.length) {
       let moves = arguments[4].past.split(' ');
       let lastMove = moves[moves.length - 1];
       // is it lower-case? speak lowercase explicitly
       if (lastMove.match(/[rludbf]/)) {
         lastMove = 'lower ' + lastMove;
       } else { // avoid awkward-sounding moves like "capital R"
         lastMove = lastMove.toLowerCase();
       lastMove = lastMove.replace(/'/, ' prime');
      window.speechSynthesis.speak(new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(lastMove));
     } else {
       console.log('going backwards');
     lastNoted = arguments[4].past;
     return cachedFunc.apply(this, arguments);
 ROOFPIG_CONF_F2L = "solved=U*|hover=none|colored=U-|flags=canvas,showalg|speed=1000";
 ROOFPIG_CONF_PLL = "solved=U-|hover=near|colored=U*|flags=canvas,showalg|speed=1000";
 var lastNoted = '';
window.addEventListener('load', setUpCubes);

I also wanted to include diagrams to make it easier for her to choose the right algorithm and position the cube the right way at the beginning, but I didn't want to fuss around with lots of screenshots and little files. It turns out you can define arrows in SVG pretty easily, so I wrote some Emacs Lisp functions to generate those types of diagrams. First I started with just the arrows.

(my-cubing-last-layer-arrows '((2 8 t) (5 7 t)))

For practising recognition, I wanted to also include the colors on top and on the sides:

(my-cubing-last-layer-with-sides "OOGRROGGRBBB" "YYYYYYYYY" '((2 8 t) (5 7 t)))

Emacs Lisp functions for cubing diagrams
;; Start of cubing code
(defun my-cubing-pos (size n i)
   (* (/ size n) (% i n))
   (* (/ size n) (/ i n))))
(defun my-cubing-last-layer-arrows (arrows)
  "Draw ARROWS.
Arrows are defined as a list of lists of the form
((from to) (from to t) ...). Ex: '(my-cubing-last-layer-arrows '((3 1 t) (2 8 t)))
Cells are numbered from left to right, top to bottom, with the top left box being 0.
  (let* ((size 99)
         (n 3)
         (arrow-color "#000")
         (svg (svg-create size size)))
       '((id . "arrowhead")
         (markerWidth . "10")
         (markerHeight . "7")
         (refX . "0")
         (refY . "3.5")
         (orient . "auto-start-reverse"))
        `((fill . ,arrow-color)
          (points . "0 0, 4 3.5, 0 7")))
    (dotimes (i (* n n))
      (let ((pos (my-cubing-pos size n i)))
         (car pos)
         (cadr pos)
         (/ size n)
         (/ size n)
         :fill "#fff"
         :stroke-width 1
         :stroke "#666")))
    (dolist (arrow arrows)
      (let ((from (car arrow))
            (to (cadr arrow)))
        (apply 'svg-line
                (list svg)
                (mapcar (lambda (o) (+ o (/ size (* 2 n))))
                        (my-cubing-pos size n from))
                (mapcar (lambda (o) (+ o (/ size (* 2 n))))
                        (my-cubing-pos size n to))
                 :stroke-width 2
                 :stroke arrow-color
                 :marker-start (if (elt arrow 2) "url(#arrowhead)")
                 :marker-end "url(#arrowhead)")))))
      (svg-print svg)

(defvar my-cubing-colors '((?R  . "#ff0000")
                           (?G  . "#00ff00")
                           (?B  . "#0000ff")
                           (?O  . "#ed7117")
                           (?Y  . "#ffff00")
                           (?W  . "#ffffff")
                           (?\? . "#666666")))

(defun my-cubing-last-layer-with-sides (sides top arrows)
  "Draw a diagram of the top of the cube.
The style is similar to .
SIDES is a string specifying colors going clockwise from the back-left side.
TOP is a string specifying colors going from left to right, top to bottom.
Arrows are defined as a list of lists of the form ((from to) (from to t) ...).
Cells are numbered from left to right, top to bottom, with the top left box being 0.
Ex: (my-cubing-last-layer-with-sides \"ORRBOOGGGRBB\" \"YYYYYYYYY\" '((3 1 t) (2 8 t)))
  (let* ((size 99)
         (n 3)
         (side-size 10)
         (cell-size (/ (- size (* 2 side-size)) n))
         (arrow-color "#000")
         (svg (svg-create size size)))
       '((id . "arrowhead")
         (markerWidth . "10")
         (markerHeight . "7")
         (refX . "0")
         (refY . "3.5")
         (orient . "auto-start-reverse"))
        `((fill . ,arrow-color)
          (points . "0 0, 4 3.5, 0 7"))))))
    ;; Draw the sides. It's a string of colors going clockwise from back left
    (when sides
      (dotimes (i (* n 4))
        (apply 'svg-rectangle
                (list svg)
                (pcase (/ i n)
                  (0 (list (+ (* (% i n) cell-size) side-size)
                  (1 (list (+ side-size (* n cell-size))
                           (+ (* (% i n) cell-size) side-size)
                  (2 (list (+ (* (- n (% i n) 1) cell-size) side-size)
                           (+ (* n cell-size) side-size)
                  (3 (list 0
                           (+ (* (- n (% i n) 1) cell-size) side-size)
                 :stroke-width 1
                 :stroke "#666"
                 :fill (assoc-default (elt sides i)
                                      (assoc-default ?\? my-cubing-colors)))))))
    ;; Draw the top face specified by a string of colors going from left to right, top to bottom
    (dotimes (i (* n n))
      (let ((pos (my-cubing-pos (* cell-size n) n i)))
         (+ side-size (car pos))
         (+ side-size (cadr pos))
         :fill (if top
                   (assoc-default (elt top i) my-cubing-colors
                                  (assoc-default ?\? my-cubing-colors))
                 (assoc-default ?\? my-cubing-colors))
         :stroke-width 1
         :stroke "#666")))
    ;; Draw the arrows
    (dolist (arrow arrows)
      (let ((from (car arrow))
            (to (cadr arrow)))                  
        (apply 'svg-line
                (list svg)
                (mapcar (lambda (o) (+ side-size o (/ cell-size 2)))
                        (my-cubing-pos (* n cell-size) n from))
                (mapcar (lambda (o) (+ side-size o (/ cell-size 2)))
                        (my-cubing-pos (* n cell-size) n to))
                 :stroke-width 2
                 :stroke arrow-color
                 :opacity 0.5
                 :marker-start (if (elt arrow 2) "url(#arrowhead)")
                 :marker-end "url(#arrowhead)")))))
      (svg-print svg)
;; end of cubing code

I'll probably need to tweak the arrows when we eventually get to the G perms, but we're still a long way off. And it would probably be pretty cool to be able to generate the colours by going backwards from the algorithm, maybe building on top of emacs-cube, so that I can write my own notes about recognizing the in-between steps and recovering from the typical mistakes we make. (That wasn't around the last time I wrote about Emacs and cubing. Thanks to Akib for making and sharing it!) I'm curious about this LaTeX approach, too, but that can wait for another day.

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