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HHO005: Make Your Listing Better

Posted: - Modified: | Helpers Help Out

2014-01-10 Helpers Help Out 05 - Make Your Listing Better


Notes from the Helpout creation process:

Title: (This is the last thing you write!)


First sentence: What's the primary benefit/outcome I can deliver in the Helpout itself?
Add a sentence about why this matters. “I”)

(IMPORTANT: You have to teach people how to get the most from your Helpout. Sample questions/topic help. People might not know the questions to ask. Help them define the real problem.)

Here are some topics we can cover depending on your goals: … (Put them in charge; give 4-5 prompts)
or: Common problems we can resolve:
(Use active statements or questions: “How do I…?”)

Ideas: Video with some topic info? (Good for paid Helpouts, for example)
Validate the decision to schedule the Helpout, don't distract them. Lead them back to the Helpout (ex: embedded video)
A confused mind always says no. Focus on getting people to schedule.

Get a second look! Search for Ramon's copywriting Helpout and ask for help. (Free right now!)

Technical details = message

What keeps coming up? What do people keep talking about all the time? What are people frustrated by? – see forums, other people, etc.
Write with empathy. Step into their shoes. Not about you. See from their perspective. Talk to a lot of your prospective clients. Go to events! People lie online. They don't tell you what's really going on. (Even with surveys.) At dinner tables at conference, you get truth. Give up attachment to what it should be.

Create personas for your three most ideal clients. Include pictures (ex: Google Images). What do they care about? What's their background? You want to get to know these people like family. Look into their eyes (in the photo) when writing, so you're clear.

Different order = different results. Don't start with the title first!
Start with the description. Go ahead and be raw. Prompt the person to click and open it. Remember that people see a small box.


Three bullet points. Ex:
X years of experience in ____.
Author of such and such. (You should write a book or a video course or a special report or something.)
Training in something specific. What makes you credible?
Awards Clients? Be careful about saying who, especially if it's a sensitive topic

HHO004: Irresistible Helpouts

Posted: - Modified: | Helpers Help Out

This week’s panel focused on Irresistible Helpouts – making your Helpout stand out!
Show notes – will post the link as soon as available.
Event details
For reference, this chat was at 10-11 PM EST (7 PM PST) on Friday, Dec 20, 2013.

HHO003: Building a Brand

Posted: - Modified: | Helpers Help Out

This week’s panel focused on how to build your brand and, therefore, your business.
Show notes
Event details
For reference, this chat was at 10-11 PM EST (7 PM PST) on Friday, Dec 6, 2013.


Quick show update: Learning Together #01, Helpers Help Out #02

Posted: - Modified: | podcast, podcasting

Why wait until 2014 to start working on things that I think are a good idea? =) Since I’ve been listening to a lot of podcasts while commuting or walking around, I figured I should start making some as well so that people can learn more conveniently. Besides, it will be a great way to practise producing shows and sharing ideas. Here’s what I’ve been working on:

Helpers Help Out – a weekly show for Google Helpouts providers (~700 people, pretty exclusive at the moment =) )

2013-11-29 Helpers Helpout 02 - Communicating with Clients Before and After Helpouts

More info on

I want to share learning-related tips and give people a space for picking my brain, too, so here’s Learning Together:

I’ll publish a more detailed blog post with MP3s and everything soon. I’m going to see if I can have it transcribed. =) They say the cobbler’s children have no shoes, but I want to see if I can make these things as well as I can. You can check for details of the next event, and you can download the MP3 from .

Some notes from producing the shows:

2013-11-29 Helpers Help Out 02 - Post-production notes

2013-12-01 Show post-production notes

2013-11-29 Fridays for podcasts

HHO002: Communicating with Customers

Posted: - Modified: | Helpers Help Out
Update 2014-02-03: Transcript now available

2013-11-29 Helpers Helpout 02 - Communicating with Clients Before and After Helpouts
This week’s panel focused on how to connect with your customers before and after your Helpouts so that you can build your business.
Follow up on questions
Event details
For reference, this chat was at 10-11 PM EST (7 PM PST) on Friday, Nov 29, 2013.

Emacs Chat: Magnar Sveen (Emacs Rocks)

Posted: - Modified: | emacs, Emacs Chat, podcast

UPDATE 2014-01-27: Transcript posted!
UPDATE: Want just the audio? MP3 / OGG

Here are the notes from my chat with Magnar Sveen, the creator of the Emacs Rocks screencast series and a number of other great Emacs resources. Enjoy!

0m48s Magnar has been using Emacs for two years
2m30s Moving from TextMate
3m45s World of Warcraft
4m10s Friend’s influence
5m10s Learning as a game
6m10s Other ways of learning – time outside work
7m44s Screencasting
9m30s Things Magnar wants to learn more about – Org
10m19s What else Magnar does with Emacs
11m17s Norwegian text adventure game
12m08s Outside Emacs: family, board games (120!)
13m41s Managing a large hobby project
14m30s Learning through projects
14m48s Dealing with feeling overwhelmed by Emacs
16m38s Hardware
20m20s Emacs configuration
20m40s Projects with perspective-mode
21m32s Find file in project, ido-vertical-mode, flx-ido
23m45s Switching between projects
25m01s Guide-key
25m56 Rebinding C-h
26m36 paredit and smartparens
29m20s visual-regexp
30m35s annoying-arrows-mode
32m45s project-archetype
35m15s Wishlist: package management
35m55s Satisfied with configuration
35m25s Marks and regions
37m20s Configuration is on github
37m40s evil-mode
40m00s Feedback on Emacs Rocks
42m00s Growing to appreciate Emacs because of extensibility
43m15s The giraffe book
44m57s Getting code into core
49m39 Emacs koans?
51m45s IRC bot
52m50s Learning from other people in the office
54m40s Other questions
56m23s Board game recommendations

Read or download the transcript

Check out Emacs Chat for more interviews like this. Got a story to tell about how you learned about or how you use Emacs? Get in touch!

HHO001: Strategies for free and paid listings

Posted: - Modified: | Helpers Help Out

2013-11-22 Helpers Helpout - Free and Paid

This week’s panel focuses on how to minimize no-shows for free sessions and build up to paid sessions.

Here’s a link to the questions and answers for this show.

This post is available at
