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50 e-mail messages today

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Okay, my fingers are tired. No more e-mail. =) Someday I'm going to
have to learn how to scale, but today is not the day. I suspect that
it involves a more ergnomic environment. Maybe a larger keyboard (my
Lifebook would do perfectly) and a slightly higher monitor so that I
don't get a crick in my neck from looking down.

No more blogging, too.

Shower, then book, then sleep. That's the ticket…

Random Emacs symbol: syntax-after – Function: Return the raw syntax of the char after POS.

Non-stale snail mail

| -Uncategorized

Wow, this is a first. I've actually written and stamped all of my
postcards *before* reaching the airport, which means I'll probably
remember to drop them off before I reach Canada…

Random Emacs symbol: key-substitution-in-progress – Variable: Used internally by `substitute-key-definition'.

I like Like

Posted: - Modified: | -Uncategorized

Like. =)

Random Emacs symbol: electric-help-map – Variable: Keymap defining commands available in `electric-help-mode'.


| -Uncategorized

Fixing tech problems was not the way I imagined spending my Sunday
afternoon. Oh, forget this. I'll worry about my e-mail after I pick up
a few essentials.

Random Emacs symbol: eshell-echo – Function: Implementation code for a Lisp version of `echo'.

Checked in

| -Uncategorized

Have checked into decidedly much less dodgy HI-Downtown. Can always, always, always trust Hostelling International. =)

Now that my accommodations are out of the way, I have to figure out
how to get e-mail to work. I'll give myself until 4:00, and then I
really have to run out and look for a cellphone charger and see about
hooking up with Guylaine…

Random Emacs symbol: dirs – Command: Resync the buffer's idea of the current directory stack.

Of independent bookstores

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I read on Metroblogging Manila that Libreria is closing. Was that one of the places my mother and I visited on our jaunt through second-hand bookstores? Memories…

Woohoo! Global organization for technology evangelists!

| -Uncategorized

Kudos to Dean Michael Berris for telling me about a newly-formed organization for technology evangelists!

The first conference is on December 4. It looks *TOTALLY* awesome.

Are you passionate about technology? Do you thrive on making a
difference in people's lives with your passion for technology? Do you
get confused sideways looks with raised eyebrows when telling people
that you are a Technology Evangelist? If so, GNoTECon is the event for
you. It is the industry's first conference to discuss technology

It would be *SO* wonderful to meet all of these evangelists. Guy Kawasaki! *The* Guy Kawasaki! Squeeeeeeeee…

I've e-mailed my supervisor to ask if I can take the final exam early. I'll move heaven and earth to be there. And you know me, I'll make a splash somehow.

I feel a little like Peter Pan. If you believe in my technology
evangelism, clap your hands and help me make this happen!

So, does anyone know anyone in Santa Clara with whom I can stay?

Random Emacs symbol: prin1-char – Function: Return a string representing CHAR as a character rather than as an integer.